Discover How The Affordable Care Act (ACA) “Obamacare” Provides You An Opportunity to Start Your Own Niche Recruiting and Staffing Agency

Discover How The Affordable Care Act (ACA) “Obamacare” Provides You An Opportunity to Start Your Own Niche Recruiting and Staffing Agency

 I’m not sure if you had an opportunity to catch the American Staffing Association’s recent 2013 economic analysis report which gave an in-depth look at recent staffing employment trends, the current economic environment, and future labor market conditions which read:
  • During the past four years, staffing firms have added close to one million new jobs to the U.S. economy, far outpacing virtually every sector and industry.
  • U.S. staffing companies employed an average of 2.9 million temporary and contract workers per day in 2012, up 4.1% from 2011.
  • Staffing employment in the four-year period following the end of the Great Recession has far outpaced the same period following the last recession.
  • There is growing evidence of a structural shift in the way businesses are turning to the staffing industry for talent and workforce solutions.

That shows major growth within the staffing industry as a whole right? Okay, stay with me now.

The new Obamacare law has issued two mandates: Individual and Employer. Both mandates serve positive and negative effects but today I want to focus on some facts and how it can affect you in starting your own Recruiting and Staffing agency:

  • Growth in Independent contractors and temporary workers – Organizations are embracing contingent labor over full-time employment bringing in highly specialized skill sets on a just-in-time basis.  By 2020, it is expected that more than 50% of the workforce will be independent.
  • Experts in the temporary staffing industry report some companies may rely on more temporary workers to get around the law on federally mandated employer coverage, which has led to a spike in stock prices for some staffing companies.
  • Obamacare is generating billions for insurers, hospitals technology vendors, and staffing companies (which means growth in jobs).
  • Hospitals, Pharmaceutical, and certain insurance companies need to staff up to handle the millions of Americans gaining coverage under the ACA.

Okay Dee, where are you going with this?

  1. Now is a great time to think about starting your own recruiting and staffing business supporting small and medium-size companies where you can help them stay below the 50-worker mark by providing temporary and contract workers.
  2. Now is a great time to provide talent to companies on a direct hire basis who have a need for a high-demand skill set.

How do you do this?

By developing deep domain expertise (a niche) in one of the following high demand skill-sets:

  • Human Resources Recruiting & Staffing Business
  • Corporate and Contract Recruiter Recruiting & Staffing Business
  • Benefits Administrators Recruiting & Staffing Business
  • Primary Care Providers (Family medicine, Internal medicine, Hospitalist Physicians, Emergency Physicians) Recruiting & Staffing Business
  • Patient Care Navigators Recruiting & Staffing Business
  • Care Coordinators Recruiting & Staffing Business
  • Mid-Level Nurse Practitioners Recruiting & Staffing Business
  • Physicians Assistants Recruiting & Staffing Business
  • Clinical Pharmacists Recruiting & Staffing Business
  • Health IT Recruiting & Staffing Business
  • Software Development Recruiting & Staffing Business
  • Mobile Developer Recruiting & Staffing Business
  • Substitute Teachers Recruiting & Staffing Business
  • Data & Analytics Recruiting & Staffing Business

Use the interactive Temp, Contract, Consulting calculator to see how much money you have the potential of making starting your new niche staffing business.

Use the interactive Direct Hire calculator below to see what you have the potential of making in your new staffing business.

+++ASA’s Article:


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